Saturday, October 4, 2008

Siena and Gabby at the Dallas Arboretum

July 2008

Before one of my closest friends, Anita, moved to my Miami in August, we took the girls to the Dallas Arboretum to get some cute photos and to just have some quality time. Unfortunately, our day got cut short when Gabby was attacked by fire ants. She had an allergic reaction that caused her to break out in hives and feel weak. Luckily, she ended up being ok after receiving a high dose of benadryl from the ambulance that we had to call. It was a pretty scary incident for a mother to have to go through. This happened within the first 15 minutes of arriving so I only got a few pics but at least they were cute and in the end, Gabby was ok. We miss our dear friends so much but hopefully will get to see them over the Christmas holidays.

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