Sunday, October 26, 2008

J.P. Richey

This is J.P. Richey. Will's youngest sibling is a senior this year in Louisiana. He is considered to be the most artistic of the four siblings, always doing something connected to music, art, theater or well you name it and he pretty much can tell you something about it if he hasn't done it. He stayed with us for about 2 weeks this past summer and wanted me to take some shots of him with his long hair. He tends to grow it out during the summer before having to cut it off when school starts back up in the fall. He actually went extreme at the beginning of the school year and shaved it all off. I guess he was tired of being compared to John Mayer and decided to shock all his friends. :) Sorry J.P., I had to mention it. So, we took some shots in Las Colinas near the canal and in downtown Fort Worth. It was a quick and laid back shoot which very much fits J.P's personality. Yes, unfortunately, these pics have been on the back burner since late summer but I finally finished them!

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