Sunday, January 13, 2008

Kelly West

November 28, 2007

Kelly is one of my first and best friends from childhood. We grew up living several houses away from one another and attended elementary, junior high and high school together. We also played on the same soccer, basketball and softball teams as kids and spent many Friday and Saturday nights at the skating rink and toilet papering houses at sleepovers. The two of us have remained good friends all these years and our relationship continues to she is mine and Will's dentist! As you can see, Kelly is a new bride and actually married one of our high school classmates, Joel West, eleven years post graduation. They actually hit it off at the ten year high school class reunion and are now walking down the aisle in December. I thought this kind of thing only happened in movies but then again, it's Kelly and she never ceases to amaze me. I love this girl!

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